Smart Ways to Save on Car Insurance in Ireland in 2024

Car insurance is a must in Ireland. With the rising cost of living, it’s wise to find ways to save money wherever possible. Here are some tips to help you get the best value car insurance:

Compare Cover
Understand the different types of car insurance and compare what each offers. Look at what’s included and what’s not. This will help you find the best insurance policy that suits you.

Buy Online
Getting car insurance online is quick and easy. Some companies offer discounts if you buy online, potentially saving you a lot of money. Check if it’s cheaper to pay yearly or in monthly instalments.

Bundle Policies
Consider getting your car insurance along with other policies, such as home cover. You could get a discount for having multiple policies, plus managing them together makes life easier.

Reduce Risk
Keep a clean driving record by taking steps to protect your car can lower your insurance costs. Simple things like installing an alarm or parking in a garage can help.

Protect Your No Claims Bonus
Your no-claims bonus can lead to cheaper insurance. Drive safely to keep it intact.

If you’re looking for a car insurance quote in Ireland, review prices using our comparison engine or give us a quick call at 042 935 9090. At Compare Insurance Ireland, we provide value, protection, and excellent customer service.